"After long long time, listening to Efek Rumah Kaca is like taking a time machine, dwelling on the things happened 3 years ago, it was sweet."
The same feeling I sense when I re-listen to The Adams or Pure Saturday. Realizing that they are one of my life parts, remembering that I was fine then. Though I'm not really sure most of you are familiar with this bands. But you know, I spent my school years and my time being teenager, falling in love with a boy with this kind of music covered up my head.

Selalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi
Dibalik awan hitam
Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini,
Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda

Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember,
Di bulan desember

Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi
Meneteskan duka meretas luka
Sampai hujan memulihkan luka

(Desember, Efek Rumah Kaca)

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