21 years ago, I saw him next to me, I didn’t know who is he. All I know is just he always there for me. But later I know, I started to call him ‘Papa’ and I found myself that I love him so much.
17 years ago, he taught me to ride my bike. I was a scared kid in firm hands he trusted and loved.By trusting him I learned to start trusting myself.
15 years ago, he dropped me in front of the school gate, it was my first day and I was nervous. He said that I must be brave and everything’s gonna be ok. He kissed me on cheek and left me. Later I know, he didn’t go to work, he was there standing near my class window and watched me.
Every morning, he was getting ready for work.
He was the best engineer in the world. But I didn’t understand why he seemed so tired sometimes.
He was the best engineer in the world. But I didn’t understand why he seemed so tired sometimes.
14 years ago, We were walking in the nature and he showed me how beautiful the sea, sky, and mountains. From this moments, I started to fall in love with nature. I want to be like him, I want hike the mountain to the top, and I want dive the sea to the bottom, just like his hobby.
6 years ago, It was my first time to go mountaineering, I went to Mount Gede-Pangrango with my friends. He checked my carrier and my belongings, he told me to take care of myself. And finally I was there on the top of Mount Gede, I was standing on 2,958 meters above for the very first time and I dedicate this for my Dad.
4 years ago, when I was 17. My boyfriend came to house and picked me up to go outside. In the car, I received a sms from him, he texted me : “take care and don’t be late going home”
3,5 years ago, I was graduated from high school and have continue my study in Bandung. He was there beside me when I walked in to my campus for the very first time. He gave me advices and taught me how to survive in campus life. At the end, he said : “I’m very proud of you”.
Day by day, we’re seperated by the miles. He worked in Manado and I’m here in Bandung. Although we can only reach each other by phone, sms, bbm or even facebook, but I feel he always here by myside, whenever I’m sad or happy, whenever my life was out of control, simple and to the point, he helped me, helped myself. I remember when I told him about that boy, he just said : “It’s up to you, if you feel settle with him, just continue. But if you don’t, let it go, you deserve better”
Last night, we were watching football together. Yes, he is a football freak and because of him, I learned to love watching football too.
Today, My Dad is 53. Today I realize how very blessed I’ve been. He has been there for every single day of my life. He has been the provider through all the struggle and strive. I would be lost if he hadn’t shown me the way.
Happy birthday, Papa. I just want to make you proud, I promise.
From your little girl, Fetriza Rinaldy.
Happy birthday to your Dad, Pe. Salam untuk Papa ya :)
cool bgt pe! Gw suka. Jadi kangen bokap
thank you Ara, Venes :D
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