Letter to Daughter: To Read

Dear Jani,

I wonder if later you will ever want to know why I wrote so many letters for you and why I wanted you to read them later.

That's because I'm very selfish.
I want to give you something that will stay with you for years, for I want you to learn what has taken me years to learn.

I may not be the best teacher for you, but I want you to learn through my stories, my journey, my experiences. I want you to not do the mistakes I did but I want you to do the things I wish I have done.

I want you to go further than me, I want you to go more miles. That's why I love keeping postcards from every place I have ever been to, they're all for you.

I want to tell you stories before your bed time, about the melt-water from glaciers I tasted in Norway, about a stranger I met in Croatia, or about the most delicious Pho I have ever had in Vietnam. 

I want you to find someone, that you can talk anything with him. About the cheapest way to go travelling, about the bizarre Scandinavian music you love to listen to, about the furry bipeds in Star Wars or about why do wind turbines have only three blades. I know it sounds weird, but please, go find someone you can be weird with, find someone whose weirdness and intelligence are compatible with yours, because that would be the greatest feeling ever, because that might be the reason why I chose your father.

But Jani, above all, I want you to read. Just like what my mom has taught me. Read before you talk, read before you do, read when you feel right, read when you feel wrong. Read to find the answers.

That's why I wrote all these letters for you, for my children. I want you all to read, there you can learn.

P.S: I don't want to push you to read the books I read, but I promise to introduce you to The Little Prince. You will understand later.

Love from here,


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