Letter to a Little Brother

Hey, little monster.

It's been a while since the last time I saw you laughing. You hate it when I say goodbye to you before my departure to somewhere. You know, I hate it, too.

But you are the true lover of me that you always wait for me to come home, even until your very last moment, you were there.

I was standing beside Mahakam, just two days before that day. I didn't say anything my mind was somewhere else. My eyes were staring blankly at the sea. They said that the worst side of the sea was how it separates the land, make a lot of people feel lonely and lonelier. You know, that was the time when I hate myself for being away from you, from home.

But, thank God. I was there holding your hand at your very last time. You smiled, I smiled. 

Little monster, the memory of you is something I'll long remember in to my toothless age. I'll tell my future children how happy and remarkable my childhood was with you in it, tell them that they have a very tough uncle of all time. People say that I am the strongest woman they've ever met, they should know that you are the source of my strength.

So, little monster. You've been traveled far. Now you've found the light, come back home, come back to the place where you belong.
I still have to continue my journey here, reaching my dreams and your dreams, too. And of course traveling more miles to find the light just like you.

I'll see you when it's my time.


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