Back to the time when I was still in Indonesia, traveling was more like just-a-vacation stuff which you may probably choose when you have spare money out of the saving and bored with those mall-hopping-weekend-getaways. Traveling was restricted to only getting more sunburned under the massive sunshine over the beach, posting a pic, wearing summer dress. Nothing wrong here, well I believe there's no rule in having fun, what used to be wrong might be right for some others, vice versa.
I had a pretty demanding job which allowed me to fly a lot, dropped me in the middle of unconnected area somewhere in Borneo, making the line between traveling and real life even more blurry than I could think of. I remember the feeling of waking up at 3 in the morning, running for the first flight. I remember the day when I was talking to my brother before my departure to Borneo, which later I knew, it was the last time I talked to him. I remember the feeling of getting back to work again while half of me has gone.
and the first time I stepped my feet on the ground, after a tiring 18-hours flight from Jakarta to Munich, it was the time to redefining what traveling is.
I couldn't stop my wanderlust for going wild here. I made it to Norway, I survived a bitterly cold winter in Sweden, I slept at the airport in Switzerland just because I couldn't afford a room, soaked in the crowd of festival in Venice, strolled around the city of Alps, and so on. Those things, somehow, have strengthened my lust to go more miles. Obviously, it has nothing to do with just having fun and spending euros, nor taking enviable pics.
Let me redefine what traveling is,
Traveling is a media, not a purpose. Traveling is a way, not the objective.
because once you make traveling as a purpose, you will eventually stop doing it someday.
Few days before traveling again