First Half


Today is July 26, just approximately two weeks away from Ied holiday. Half the year has gone and really it was the most fluctuating period I've ever experienced. I went to so many places both for work and holiday. I've been flying here and there. People might think that I'm so lucky and happy and cool and such, well, indeed yes. But I must say that I've been working hard and going through the tough times when everything got difficult.

It is just because I don't think people should know about what actually happened in my life or how hard my life or my work is. I didn't grow up in a spoiled way.

But being the half way point of the year, it allows me to look back and relieved, and also believe.
And here we are, in the second half of the year. Things might get hard and even harder, weird and even weirder. 

Just don't worry, my friend, do not complain. 

Air dan Kedalaman (Water and Depth)

What is your biggest fear?

"Mungkin selain Tuhan, saya tidak tahu jawabannya. Tapi bukan berarti saya juga orang yang sangat berani sih."

"Kamu sudah sering berkeliling kota dan tempat."

"In fact, yes. Tapi belum pernah ada yang sebegitunya mengerikan buat saya. Kecuali hampir tertabrak bus di terminal perbatasan negara atau paling ya hipotermia."
"Oh sebentar, tapi saya takut air. Bukan takut, saya tidak begitu suka air."

"Ya kamu memang terlihat anak daratan sekali. Kuat jalan, panas, dan dingin."
"Tapi bagaimana bisa kamu tidak suka dengan sesuatu yang selalu kamu temui tiap hari? yang kamu butuhkan untuk menjaga keseimbanganmu?"
"Pasti bukan air yang kamu takuti kan? Ada perasaan lain yang kamu takuti, karena air hanyalah media."

"Iya. Saya mana mungkin bisa hidup dan seimbang tanpa air."


"Saya takut kedalaman."

On today's conversation, in the office hours.